Gorram it! We regret that our CSTS event has to be cancelled due to issues with the venue . Don’t worry we’ve sent Jayne to sort them out! We’ll keep you posted on any upcoming events so check back often.
Yearly Archives: 2010
Armageddon Expo is back, and is bringing the Whedonverse to you! Join Juliet Landau, Miracle Laurie, Georges Jeanty and Jason Palmer at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre on 16-17 October. Juliet Landau is best known for portraying Drusilla on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and spin off show Angel (the latter appearance […]
We’re wrapping up Can’t Stop the Serenity 2010 with some very special Joss-y fun and Felicia Day’s hit web-series, The Guild, about a group of online gamers. Cyd Serman (Felicia Day) is an online gamer, who goes by the name Codex. Her own therapist has dumped her, telling her she […]
Due to the AFL Grand Final re-match on Sat 2 Oct, we will be delaying our final CSTS event to a later date in October 2010. Stay tuned for details….
We’re in the home straight of this year’s Can’t Stop the Serenity, and we’re super excited to announce that we’ve raised $7,500 for Equality Now. Wait… what was that? How much?? SEVEN THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!! We’re got some cashy money to be finalised from the Dr Horrible event, […]