The CSTS season is in full swing, and we need your help to to spread the signal far and wide. And boy have we got some handy dandy promo materials! So if you know somewhere that would use some Serenity, and can get the signal out to Browncoats everywhere, point […]
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Thanks to the awesome folks at Things from Another World and other dedicated geeks, now everyone who wasn’t able to make it to Comic-Con can enjoy some of the panels featuring Whedonverse cast! Here’s a few videos and interview you might enjoy… Morena Baccarin talks Homefront Felicia Day and Co […]
Fans of Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin & Jewel Staite will enjoy this video from the “Conversations for a Cause” session hosted by Nerd HQ at San Diego Comic-Con 2011. Nerd HQ is the brain child of Chuck star, Zackary Levi, who brought many fan favorites together to raise funds and […]
Don’t forget that our CSTS Crew meeting is tonight! If you’re interested in volunteering during our season of Can’t Stop the Serenity events, please join us tonight from 7:30pm at the Melbourne Central Lion Hotel (Level 3 at Melbourne Central). We’ll be in “The Library” at the back of the […]
We’ve all been feeling the we’re-not-in-SanDiego-at-ComicCon-whervee-all-the-awesome-is-happening blues, especially with it all over Twitter. But thanks to the amazing Things From Another World we don’t have to feel left out! TFAW has posted the Joss Whedon panel in it’s entirety. It’s like being there with the added benefit of no crowd […]