If you’re not already excited about next Saturday’s Can’t Stop the Serenity event, here’s a reason to be! We’re auctioning off a fantastic piece of Dr Horrible art! Created by Avitech Graphics, gorgeous piece of art features Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer on a backdrop of iconic moments from Dr […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
There are just 10 days to go until Can’t Stop the Serenity touches down in Melbourne for the sixth time! To get you in the mood in the days to come, we’ll be posting previews of some of the very shiny prizes up for grabs at the event and teasers […]
Don’t forget we’re getting together this Wednesday night! Come and join us at Loop to watch Browncoats: Redemption. We’ll be there from 7 pm! Loop is at 23 Meyers Place, Melbourne ( http://www.looponline.com.au/ )
The CSTS season is in full swing, and we need your help to to spread the signal far and wide. And boy have we got some handy dandy promo materials! So if you know somewhere that would use some Serenity, and can get the signal out to Browncoats everywhere, point […]
Thanks to the awesome folks at Things from Another World and other dedicated geeks, now everyone who wasn’t able to make it to Comic-Con can enjoy some of the panels featuring Whedonverse cast! Here’s a few videos and interview you might enjoy… Morena Baccarin talks Homefront Felicia Day and Co […]