Welcome to 2017! There have been some changes afoot behind the scenes and we’re pleased to welcome our new President, Chris MacLennan. For those you who attended our AGM, you will know that we have had a few changes within our Committee of Management. Jen Cummings has moved from President to Treasurer, Michael Mihalic has moved from Treasurer to being an Ordinary Member, and Chris has stepped up from Vice-President to President.
Says Chris:
“Over the years since my involvement began in 2010, I’ve met and worked with many of you at our Can’t Stop the Serenity events or while working behind our Browncoat Booth at one of the many Conventions that we attend. In the past I’ve had more of a background role as Vice-President but as Jen has moved to a different role in the organisation I have stepped up to take her place.
My intention as President is to keep the organisation running in a smooth manner behind the scenes, keep the New Melbourne Browncoats doing the great work we’ve being doing for our charities, and most importantly to me, make sure that all of us Browncoats across Victoria and Australia have a place where we can meet up with like minded people.
What drives me on with this work is that we have some of the best fans, some of the friendliest enthusiastic people, from such a wide cross section of society and world views. And together we do really good work. We might not be the biggest Fandom, but I think we’re the mightiest. So, if you haven’t met me before, and you see us somewhere, say hello.”
The new Committee of Management for 2016/2017:
- President: Chris MacLennan
- Vice President: Vacant
- Treasurer: Jen Cummings
- Secretary: Melissa Dwyer
- Ordinary Members: Laura Shearman & Michael Mihalic
- Webmaster: Michael Girdwood (Non-Committee)