Join us on Sunday 16 September for a fun day of Firefly inspired craft activities! Paint a paper fan in the style of Kaylee’s iconic parasol, create a Serenity ornament, learn how to fold an origami Serenity, and make your own collection of Firefly themed badges! All ages are welcome […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
You have asked, so we have delivered! We’ve added 12 extra VIP tickets to our Firefly themed Anniversary Dinner on June 2nd! If you missed out on VIPs earlier, get in quick! Sales for VIP tickets will close on Tuesday 22 May at 11.59pm. Folks tickets will remain on sale […]
We’re so excited to share that we’ve raised over $500 so far for WIRE Women’s Information from the sale of geeky goodies via our online store! You can help us boost this donation by checking out the shiny selection of goodies up for grabs in our online fundraiser! We’ve got […]
Come one, come all to the New Melbourne Browncoats Anniversary Dinner Shindig in support of WIRE Women’s Information! We’re celebrating the 7th anniversary of New Melbourne Browncoats Inc with a fancy shindig! Join us for an evening of fine dining, music, dancing, and fabulous Firefly themed fashions, all nestled in […]
Do you own a Jayne hat? Are you coming to Supanova Melbourne in Firefly cosplay? We need your help! We’re on the hunt for a team (or multiple teams) of roving Browncoats who are attending Supanova and would be willing to be our voices in the crowd. Our Browncoat Charity […]