Thank you for your continued support of the New Melbourne Browncoats. 2020 has been a difficult year, and we are thankful to have such a wonderfully kind Browncoat community to see us all through together.
Things will likely look a bit different in 2021, as we hope to see the return of conventions and other in person events. We are being cautiously optimistic about holding some in person events this year, but we will definitely continue to host online and video conferencing events such as trivia contests, scavenger hunts, watch sessions, charity auctions and more! If you have ideas for events, please let us know as we’d love to ensure that we get as much member input as possible.
2021 will see us continue to support a number of charities, including FareShare, Fitted for Work, WIRE, MSFIN, and The Smith Family. At this stage, it looks like our fundraising will be limited to membership dues, online store sales, online auctions and events, and stalls at conventions (if possible).
We are also hoping to do more with our social media and email newsletter, so if you have any suggestions for content, please get in touch. This could include recipes, photos, fan art, fan projects, and even tutorials for cosplay, model making and more. We would love to showcase the wonderful folks that make up the New Melbourne Browncoats so if you’re open to being interviewed or to being a contributor, we’d love to hear from you!
Thanks again for your support!