New Melbourne Browncoats is a non-profit social group whose aims are to provide a social scene for fans of Joss Whedon and to raise money for charity by (to quote Jayne from Firefly) “doin’ good works”.
We also aim to shine a spotlight on those who support the local geek scene and who help us in our mission.
We’re looking for likeminded supporters to join us in achieving our goals. Support could be as simple as donating a prize for one of our charitable activities, to providing our members a discount, or as grand as paying for a venue. Anything you donate all comes off our running costs, allowing us to send more donations to charities.
As a supporter, you will be recognised in a number of ways and we have a range of support levels available.
Please contact us if you think there is something you can do to help us achieve our goals.
Wish List
We are in particular need of the following items. If you have one (or more) of the items on our Wish List that you no longer need or would like to purchase for us, we’d love to hear from you!