Not so shiny: Plenty of drama for Buffy creator Joss Whedon (Sydney Morning Herald, 25 August 2010) Bernard Zuel of the Sydney Morning Herald spoke to Joss this week about his wide ranging career in the lead up to his sold out speaking engagements in Melbourne and Sydney this weekend. […]
Did you miss out on tickets to the Joss Whedon’s sold out appearance at the Melbourne Town Hall on 27 August 2010? Melbourne Writers Festival (MWF) have a limited number of tickets for this year’s second Keynote Address, An Evening with Joss Whedon. The remaining tickets for the Joss Whedon […]
Need another reason to come along to our Can’t Stop the Serenity Feature Event on 28 August? How about the chance to win these fantastic prizes in our Live Auction? DOLLHOUSE DVD SET SIGNED BY ELIZA DUSHKU, SUMMER GLAU & DICHEN LACHMAN Catch up on Season 1 of Joss Whedon’s […]
It’s just a week to our Cosplay event on August 4th, which means if you’re going, you don’t have long to tie down those costume ideas. And it’s not just Firefly and Serenity we like to see. Dr Horrible, Dollhouse, Buffy, Angel, anything Whedonverse is encouraged! You could even dress […]