Can’t Stop The Serenity Melbourne 2012 is proud to announce our very special guest MC, Ben McKenzie! Ben McKenzie is an actor, scientician, comedian, feminist, improviser, geek, voiceover artist, games player, presenter, nerd, writer and ginger. Described as ‘geek comedy’s patron saint’ (T-Squat Magazine) and ‘the anti-Hitler’ (Boxcutters), Ben has written […]
Dr. Horrible
We are excited to announce tickets for our main event are now available for purchase! Tickets are $18.00 (online price) and are available from Dramatix Please spread the shortlink: And the QR code: Tickets are limited, so it’s best not to wait until the […]
We’re wrapping up Can’t Stop the Serenity 2010 with some very special Joss-y fun and Felicia Day’s hit web-series, The Guild, about a group of online gamers. Cyd Serman (Felicia Day) is an online gamer, who goes by the name Codex. Her own therapist has dumped her, telling her she […]
We’re in the home straight of this year’s Can’t Stop the Serenity, and we’re super excited to announce that we’ve raised $7,500 for Equality Now. Wait… what was that? How much?? SEVEN THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!! We’re got some cashy money to be finalised from the Dr Horrible event, […]
First off, a wonderful thank you to everyone who attended our recent Dr Horrible’s Sing-along Blog Sing-along event at the Oxford Scholar. We are extremely sad that the Evil League of Evil managed to prevent us from showing Commentary! The Musical, and we’re very thankful that everyone was so understanding. […]