It’s time to have a horrible day, all thanks to Dr Horrible himself! TODAY – Saturday 18 September 2010 – 2:30-4:30pm (doors open at 2:00pm) Oxford Scholar Hotel 427 Swanston Street, Melbourne (opposite RMIT) This is an all ages event Tickets are just $10, available at the door (cash only). […]
joss whedon
Did you miss Joss Whedon at the Melbourne Writer’s Festival? The wonderful Melinda Dean from OMG Squee! has been slaving away over these past few weeks to give you a special treat. She has provided a detailed transcription of the event, for your reading pleasure! Joss Whedon’s Keynote, 27/08/2010, 9:30pm […]
Join us as we celebrate Joss Whedon’s Emmy Award Winning internet sensation, Dr Horrible’s Sing-along Blog! Starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day, Dr Horrible tells the story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he’s too […]
Buffy’s creator turns a new page at Melbourne Writers Festival The Australian, 28 August 2010 Michael Bodey geeks with Joss Whedon out at the Melbourne Writers Festival. Joss Whedon is a modern master of film and television, as big a geek hero as Batman or his own creation, Buffy the […]
Bloody good show as Buffy creator slays ’em in the aisles The Australian, 4 September 2010 Emma Tom talks Joss Whedon’s appearances at the Melbourne Town Hall and the Sydney Opera House for The Australian. If television is a religion, then Joss Whedon is its god. Not a particularly physically […]