One of the biggest drawcards to Melbourne’s Can’t Stop The Serenity is undoubtedly the unique auction items we are able to source from around the globe. Often signed by the stars, often rare and difficult to obtain, we work our contacts to get the best gear from near and far so that […]
joss whedon
As part of our promotions for this year, we have sent waves (postcards) out to 5 Independent-friendly locations in the heart of (New) Melbourne and each of these locations is a particular type of store. We suggest going up to the counter of likely shops and boldly saying “Shopkeep, please […]
Everyone loves a raffle! And why not when we put together the best there are! As usual, raffle tickets will be sold on the day, $2 each or 3 for $5, but what is not usual is what you can win. Have a look at this… Raffle 1: Firefly / […]
This year’s event is promising to be huge, with Serenity and Dr Horrible on the big screen. As usual, we have two options for you to buy your tickets – online or at the door. Both tickets are the same price, so why should you get them online? Here are […]
Can’t Stop The Serenity Melbourne 2012 is proud to announce our very special guest MC, Ben McKenzie! Ben McKenzie is an actor, scientician, comedian, feminist, improviser, geek, voiceover artist, games player, presenter, nerd, writer and ginger. Described as ‘geek comedy’s patron saint’ (T-Squat Magazine) and ‘the anti-Hitler’ (Boxcutters), Ben has written […]