Did you miss Joss Whedon at the Melbourne Writer’s Festival? The wonderful Melinda Dean from OMG Squee! has been slaving away over these past few weeks to give you a special treat. She has provided a detailed transcription of the event, for your reading pleasure! Joss Whedon’s Keynote, 27/08/2010, 9:30pm […]
melbourne writers festival
Buffy’s creator turns a new page at Melbourne Writers Festival The Australian, 28 August 2010 Michael Bodey geeks with Joss Whedon out at the Melbourne Writers Festival. Joss Whedon is a modern master of film and television, as big a geek hero as Batman or his own creation, Buffy the […]
Bloody good show as Buffy creator slays ’em in the aisles The Australian, 4 September 2010 Emma Tom talks Joss Whedon’s appearances at the Melbourne Town Hall and the Sydney Opera House for The Australian. If television is a religion, then Joss Whedon is its god. Not a particularly physically […]
If you missed seeing Joss last weekend or you just want to relive it, here’s a 15 minute video recap with some of the highlights. Enjoy!
If you missed seeing Joss in Melbourne or Sydney, here’s a teaser of what you missed. Joss Whedon is better than you are, and he’s here to explain exactly how much better in person. The Wonderful Whedon of Oz (Video – 04:44)