Joss Whedon’s second turn at directing a theatrical release hits Australian cinemas today. Avengers hits screens nation-wide today, and Browncoats will surely be rushing to get their tickets! While you’re enjoying the show, keep an eye out for some Whedonverse actors that Joss has managed to sneak in. Alexis Denisof […]
the avengers
Did you miss Joss Whedon at the Melbourne Writer’s Festival? The wonderful Melinda Dean from OMG Squee! has been slaving away over these past few weeks to give you a special treat. She has provided a detailed transcription of the event, for your reading pleasure! Joss Whedon’s Keynote, 27/08/2010, 9:30pm […]
Joss will be on Triple J’s Drive Show with The Doctor on Friday arvo! Tune in between 3-5:30pm. @DoctortriplejPM Yes, you heard right. Joss Whedon is gonna be on the show tomorrow! Here’s a little prep for you: CORRECTION: Joss will be on Drive, not Breakfast.
Not so shiny: Plenty of drama for Buffy creator Joss Whedon (Sydney Morning Herald, 25 August 2010) Bernard Zuel of the Sydney Morning Herald spoke to Joss this week about his wide ranging career in the lead up to his sold out speaking engagements in Melbourne and Sydney this weekend. […]